Kendojo-yuka-kenchikukobo, operated by Gokan Co,
will exhibit its elastic kendojo flooring at the 19th World Kendo Championships in Milan, Italy, from July 04 (Thu) to July 07 (Sun), 2024.
As part of the project “Performance Test and Demonstration of Elastic Kendojo Flooring Materials to Meet the Needs of Overseas Kendshi,” the company will conduct a questionnaire survey of kendo jo flooring among kendshi from all over the world.
From Thursday, July 04, 2024 to Sunday, July 07, 2024, we will have the ”J”booth in the Mediolanum Forum Assago, the venue of the tournament, where you can experience our elastic kendojo flooring. Please stop by and visit us.
In the booth, you will be able to consult directly with us about your kendojo building project. We have already made several appointments for interviews. Please be sure to make an appointment in advance if you would like to have a specific consultation about kendojo flooring.
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about kendojo construction, including rules and regulations, floor structure, financing methods, kamidana,and more.
2024年7月4日(木) 〜 2024年7月7日(日)・イタリア(ミラノ)で開催される第19回世界剣道選手権大会に出展し、弾性剣道場床を展示いたします。
2024年07月04日(木) 〜 2024年07月07日(日)までは、大会会場であるメディオラヌム・フォーラムアッサーゴ内の”J”ブース出展しておりますので、私たちの弾性剣道場床をご体感いただけます。ぜひ、お立ち寄りください。